Select Recording Mode

How do we decide as to which recording mode from Context Recording (Normal), Analog Recording or Low Level Recording do we select for an application? What is uniqueness in each recording mode?

Questions by sujar84

Showing Answers 1 - 18 of 18 Answers


  • Jan 19th, 2009

Normally we use analog recording mode however if you want to use coordinates where your mouse is clicking then you go for low level recording.

Hope this helps :)

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  • Jan 20th, 2009

Three types of recording modes available in QTP.

To start recording, use the following function keys
Recording Type                Function Keys from Keyboard
Normal Recording        -     F3
Analog                         -     CTRL + SHIFT + F4
Low Level                    -    CTRL + SHIFT + F3

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  • Feb 18th, 2009

Generally we will go for normal recording where QTP can easily recognizes the objects. There are some situations like usage of third party controls in the AUT and menu selection which is having four-levels of menus where it will find difficult to find the objects. Then we will go for Low level recording mode where we are capturing parameters with precision through QTP.


  • Feb 18th, 2009

1) Normal recording is also known as context sensitive recording. This is the
default recording mode in QTP, which is used to record the operations on
standard GUI objects. For each and every operation it generates (statement)

2) In analog recording we will record mouse and keyboard operations with
respect to window or desktop co-ordinates. Here it generates single statement
for all operations.

a) If you take desktop coordinates u may get wrong output if the application is
moved from one place to another.
b) If you take window coordinates you will get the correct output even the
application is moved from one place to another.

3) Low level recording is used to record the operations on the objects which
are not recognised by the QTP.


  • Feb 19th, 2009

It depends on the AUT(Application under test) if QTP is not able to identify the object then we go for the analog recording, which records the pointer coordinates on the screen,

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QTP support three Recording modes.

Normal Recording:

1) Default Mode of Recording
2) Shortcut Key F3
3) Record all object if their Add Ins is installed

Analog Recording:

1) Enables you to record exact keyboard and mouse movements in relation to
either the application window or Screen. Useful for such operations that can
not be recorded at the level of objects like Signature, Drawing Images.
2) Record the exact coordinates and save in a track file. That file can not be
editable and can not be seen in expert View. This file is associated with
3) Analog Recording is of two type

a) Relative to screen
b) Relative to Application Window

Low Level Recording:

Enable to record the Object either QTP is unable to recognize the Object or
Specific operation.This can be recorded at the level of Objects.

In General Context Recording mode is followed for recording the actions. In some cases, 3rd party components/tools is not supported by the QTP Plugins. On that time
Analog Recording or Low Level Recording is used, while recording the unsupported objects is handled with defined logical name and that cane be used for test.

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  • Jul 12th, 2009

There are 3 types of recording mode in QTP:
1. Context-Sensitive or Normal Recording mode:
This is the default recording mode in QTP. It enables recording on standard GUI objects. For each operation a statement is generated in the script.

2. Analog Recording mode:
Enables recording of exact mouse or keyboard operations relative to the a specified window or relative to a screen. e.g drawing a mouse signature or working with drawing applications.
Recording relative to a specified window: Used if the objects are located in a particular window and the window does not move during recording.

Recording relative to a screen: Used if the objects are located in more than window or the window moves while recording. e.g drag and drop of objects.

3. Low-level Recording:
Enables recording of those objects or environment not recognized by QTP. If location of object is important then low level reording should be used. It records in terms of x-y co-ordinates.

Analog and low-level recording modes requires more disk space.


  • Oct 21st, 2009

Normal Recording mode is the normal default recording mode.
Analog recording mode is typically used for recording drag and drop feature.
Low Level Recording is used identifying an object with the coordinates of a object

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