
What is the difference between debenture and preference share

Questions by knkishore404

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When the capital of the company is not sufficient to carry on business the company raise loan by issuing what is known as debenture, debenture holder money treated as a loan whereas preference shareholder money treated as a capital of the company. Debenture holder is not a properitor of the company, in the contest preference share holder is a properitor of the company. Preference share holder has a right to get bonus or dividend from the company but debenture holder has no right to get dividend.

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  • Dec 19th, 2008

The difference between Debentures and Preferential Shares is as follows:
1) Person holding debentures has owed money to a company, while Preferential
Shareholder could be considered as a partial owner of the company.
2) A Preference shareholder has a right towards the profits of the company – In
a way of Dividends.
3) A Preference shareholder earns dividends if the company is making profits,
however a Debenture holder needs to be paid irrespective of making profits or
4) A Debenture holder would be paid the capital invested at the end of a
stipulated term. A preference shareholder is not promised return of capital
invested; instead he earns dividends till the time the company exists and is
5) A debenture holder earns interest on the capital invested till
the capital is not returned, while a preference shareholder is paid dividends
till the time the company exists.

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