While running the report in infoview i am getting this error 'ERRORINF' can u tell me when will u get this error.

Questions by chaitanya_chitrala   answers by chaitanya_chitrala

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers


  • Dec 30th, 2008

After migrating from BusinessObjects 6.x to BusinessObjects Enterprise XI, opening or refreshing Desk Intelligence document with prompts in InfoView causes the following error message to appear:

"(Error: INF)"

The Universe of this Desk Intelligence document has a link to another Universe. The Universe has lost joins that join one table from each linked Universe during the migration process. To restore the Universe joins lost in the migration perform the following steps:
  1. In Designer 6.x import and save the linked Universes.
  2. Change their Secured Connection to a non-Secured Connection.
  3. Save them in the default location using the 'Save for all users' option:
    C:Documents and Settings<USERNAME>Application DataBusiness ObjectsBusiness Objects 6.0universes<UNIVERSE_DOMAIN>
  4. Open the linked Universes in the Enterprise XI Designer and set a Secured Connection for the first Universe.
  5. Save the Universe in the default location:
    C:Documents and Settings<USERNAME>Application DataBusiness ObjectsBusiness Objects 11.5Universes@<CMS_NAME>
  6. Export the first Universe. You may have to import the first Universe again and/or save it to the default location again.
  7. Open the second Universe in Designer XI R2 and set a Secured Connection for it.
  8. Update its Universe link, pointing to the first Universe in the default location.
  9. Save and then export the second Universe.

Following these steps should allow the document to be opened or refreshed successfully.

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  • Sep 17th, 2009

Assuming that universe is also available in XI with a secued connection else make the same connection test it and export that to reporsitory,
This also occurs if TNS is not present in TNS file.
Then point to the same universe in datamanager of report also then try to refresh.

Actually INF error means some important Information is not available to refresh the document.

Yes, connections would also get overide some time as given in previous answer.


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