PNPN Thyristor

Why PNPN is used as thyristor NPNP is not used?

Questions by suryapraba6

Showing Answers 1 - 2 of 2 Answers

Funny, what differences PNPN & NPNP makes?

If you have PNPN thyristor, its kept on table, U are seeing PNPN, right?
Now, keep its back in front, whats this now? NPNP......isn't that? its not transistor kind of thing where either P is in between N or N is in between P.

Fun apart, if u think, what if N is made GATE? this really make sense.
I such case, I think there wont be any problem as if working of SCR concern. make N as GATE and apply -ve to gate w.r.t anode.
BUTTTTTT, It will really create practical problem since it needs -ve pulse for triggering. So, U will not able to use normal triggering circuit, U will have to design specially. So, I think this standerisation kind of thing.

I will really appreciate further discussion on this as m not so sure..........

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