WebService Testing

Explain What is WebService Testing? How it is done - manually (or) Automation?

Questions by test_3

Showing Answers 1 - 8 of 8 Answers


  • Nov 26th, 2008

This can be done both Manual or Automatic.

Manual: Use XML Spy to check Request and corresponding Respond XML.

Automatic: Use SOAP UI

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A Web service is a software system designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network.

How to test:

I've tested a web service called 'Soap server' in my project and it is worked as below.

-> first of request will send to service in XML format
-> Server is also respong to client in terms of XML





   <ERROR_LOCATION><![CDATA[Authentication Error]]></ERROR_LOCATION>
   <ERROR_MESSAGE><![CDATA[Authentication Failed. Unable to find the specified GUID in the SmartChange system. If the problem persists, please contact the SmartChange administrator.]]></ERROR_MESSAGE>

So we can test a web service for negative scenarios and it's throwing the validation messages for invalid request...


Web testing involves the following activities (manual)
1. Check the login page for the secure login
2. Check the login page throws the error message if the user name r pwd r wrong
3. Test for the links
4. Test for the menus and sub menus
5. Test for the performance (load and stress)
6. Test for the short cut keys
7. Test the print statements and so on

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A web service is typically an application programming interface (API) or Web API that is accessed via Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and executed on a remote system, hosting the requested service. Web services tend to fall into one of two camps: big web services and RESTful web services. Here Service Requester send the inputs as xml via SOAP. WSDL acts as a Service Broker with standard customized format and response the request for the following inputs.

How to Test?
As same Test Methodolgy follows for other type of testing. This can done through both Manual & Automation.
Lot of Automation Tools available in market for Webservice testing.below are the listed some

-Test Center
-LoadRunner (webservice supports Loadrunner)
-Green Hat GH Test
-Parasoft SOA Test
-Advent Net Qengine
-Lisa- WS Testing
-Borland Silk Performer
-Push to Testmaker

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