Requirements Traceability Matrix

Which phase of the project does a BA stop using the Requirements Traceability Matrix and when does he starts to use it for the first time.

Questions by rgainadi

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers


  • Sep 4th, 2008

Requirements Traceability Matrix is created while writing the Usecases in the Requirements Phase of the Project. All the Functional Requirements must be traced to the Business Requirements or the Project scope document or the Vision Document. This is a deliverable in the Requirements Phase of the Project. RTM will be used both by the design team and the Testing Team to trace their work products. BA will be responsible for maintaining the RTM until the launch of the application. If there is any Enhancement request then the RTM must be updated.


  • Nov 14th, 2008

I have struggled with creating a traceability matrix when it is early in the requirements creation process.  The reason is because you requirements are not stable, they are still changing, which causes extra work maintaining a separate document with exactly the same information and causes data integrity risks.  When I give this scenario it is in an environment where every function is captured.  If I were only capturing the use case title/function and no lower than that, then I would have no problem creating a traceability matrix during the requirement process.  The only problem with that is how reliable is your traceability matrix? 

My understanding of the intention of the traceability matrix is to ensure that your functional requirements are traced to the technical approach (provided by the technical team) so that each requirement is accounted for by all involved groups.  My recommendation would be that the analyst creates the shell when requirements are stable and signed off.  When the technical team comes back with the technical approach then the analyst will do the gap analysis to ensure that each requirement is accounted for by documenting them in the traceability matrix.

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