Use Cases Primary Steps

What are the primary steps to create use cases? How does a BA figure out Use Cases from Requirements Specifications Document?

Questions by rgainadi

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers


  • Sep 25th, 2008

Every need written in the requirement document will have one or more features related to it, Whenever writing a UC, make sure of the following primary steps
1. UC name:
Name assigned to the UC
2. UCId: unique Id
3. Description: brief description about why the UC
4. Pre condition:
Condition that should be satisfied before the execution of UC
5. Post-condition: condition that should satisfied after the UC
6. Trigger: action that triggers the UC
7. Basic Flow: Normally what will happen when a UC is executed
8. Alternate Flow: dUCv should have these
special req.

and many other steps can be there in UC, but these are the primary ones

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  • Jan 29th, 2009

USE CASES--------------------
1. Use Case Name
2. Version
3. Summary
4. Preconditions
5. Triggers
6. Basic course of events
7. Alternative paths
8. Post conditions
9. Business rules
10. Notes
11. Author and date

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