How you will handle errors and exceptions using Struts

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abhishek roy

  • Jun 11th, 2005

there are various ways to handle exception: 
1) To handle errors server side validation can be used using ActionErrors classes can be used. 
2) The exceptions can be wrapped across different layers to show a user showable exception. 
3)using validators

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Rahul Pundhir

  • Jul 14th, 2005

Can you suggest me some good Tutorial for Struts available on the Net. 
With Thanks And Regards 
Rahul Pundhir

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  • Jul 15th, 2005

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  • Oct 4th, 2005

Strust provides ActionError object. Store each error msg by converting them to ActionErrors obj. Then save this obj in the request by calling saveError method of the ActionServlet.In the JSP use tag to show the error msg.

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abdul khalik

  • May 12th, 2006

Hi All

I struts we can handle the exceptions using

1) validations: here we validate inputs and contron will be transfered to the input page of the action as per the validation rule voilation or we can simply validate the values in action class and send the contron on to desired page. 

2) using declarative Exception Handling: in deployment descriptor we can declare on which type of exception request should be redirected to which page.

Waiting for comments.



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siva kumar reddy

  • Aug 4th, 2006


to handle the errors:

in struts project to handle the error objet by using ActionError object and to handle the errors by using ActionErrors object.

for suppose

ActionError ae1=new ActionError("");

ActionError ae2=new ActionError("err.two");

Action Errors aes=new ActionErrors();



saveErrors(request,aes);//store the errors object in request object

to handle exception:

1)using try and cach blocks

2)using declarative exception handling technique

to handle the exceptions by using global exceptons tag in struts-config.xml


<exception key="gen.err" type="java.lang.ClassNotFoundException"  path="/gen.jsp"/>

  whenever that exception will be came it executes the gen.jsp page.            



Struts provide a very clean way of handling exceptions via ActionError [v1.0] / ActionMessage [v1.1 onwards] classes.

We can add our message to these classes in our action [wherever you think its appropriate] and then get those messages displayed on the view layer. Sample below:-

in controller....

ActionError ae=new ActionError("start.firstMessage");
ActionMessage am new ActionMessage();

inside view...
<div style="color:red">
         <html:errors />


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Naresh Tuhania

  • Oct 18th, 2011

struts provides a small, but effective exception-handling framework for the applications. There are two approaches available for the exception handling in struts.
1. Declarative:- In this approach the exceptions are defined in the struts-config file and in case of the exception occurs the control is automatically passed to the appropriate error page. The tag is used to define the exception in the struts-config.xml file. The following are the attributes of the tag.
1. Key:- The key defines the key present in file to describe the exception occurred.
2. Type:- The class of the exception occurred.
3. Path:- The page where the control is to be followed in case exception occurred.
4. Handler:- The exception handler which will be called before passing the control to the file specified in path attribute
There are following two sections in struts-config.xml where you can define the exceptions.
* With Any Action mapping:- In this approach the action class is identified which may throw the exception like password failure, resource access etc. For example:-

  1. <action path="/exception"

  2.             type="com.visualbuilder.ExampleAction"

  3.             parameter="method"

  4.             input="/index.jsp" >

  5.                 <exception key="error.system" type="java.lang.RuntimeException" path="/index.jsp" />

  6.             </action>


* Defining the Exceptions Globally for the struts-config.xml :- If the application control is to pass on a single page for all similar type of exception then the exception can be defined globally. So if in any circumstance the exception occurs the control is passed globally to the exception and control is passed to the error page. For Example:-
  1.  <global-exceptions>

  2.                 <exception key="error.system" type="java.lang.RuntimeException" path="/index.jsp" />

  3.             </global-exceptions>


2. Programmatic: - In this approach the exceptions are caught using normal java language try/catch block and instead of showing the exception some meaningful messages are displayed. In this approach the flow of control is also maintained by the programs. The main drawback of the approach is the developer has to write the code for the flow of the application.


  • Nov 10th, 2011

we can handle exception in two ways declarative exception & programmatic exception handling

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Dadaso V. pawar

  • May 21st, 2012

To handle errors server side validation can be used using ActionErrors classes can be used.

If you need to handle an exception in a specific way for a certain action you can use the exception-mapping node within the action node.


  1. <action name="actionspecificexception" class="org.apache.struts.register.action.Register" method="throwSecurityException">

  2.      <exception-mapping exception="org.apache.struts.register.exceptions.SecurityBreachException"

  3.           result="login" />

  4.       <result>/register.jsp</result>

  5.       <result name="login">/login.jsp</result>

  6.    </action>


The above action node from the example applications struts.xml file specifies that if method throwSecurityException throws an uncaught exception of type SecurityBreachException the Struts 2 framework should return a result of login. The login result will cause the users browser to be redirected to login.jsp.

You can see that an action-specific exception mapping will take precedence if the same exception is also mapped globally.

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