Script Copy

How to copy the script from one project to another project?

Questions by srathour07

Showing Answers 1 - 2 of 2 Answers


  • Sep 30th, 2008

You have 2 ways to copy a script from one project to other project.

1st Method:
Go to TMS_Scripts folder of your project. Let's say ur source project name is Project1 and destination project name is project2 and are saved in C:. Then Open the following folder:
Say Ctrl+F and give the name of the script you want to copy. a list of files will be displayed in the search results window. The copy .rec file and paste in the destination project TMS_Scripts folder. Then copy all the Verification points and paste in
C:Project2TestDatastoreDefaultTestScriptDatastoreTMS_ScriptsVP folder.

Now open Robot Say Ctrl+N or File -> New -> Script and write the name of the script and say OK. Your script is copied from Project1 to Project2.

Goto TestManager and upload the script in project1. i.e. Open the Testplan, right on a testcase folder (Ex: Default) and select "Insert Test Case". Give the name of the Test case in the Editbox and then click on Implementation tab.
Click on the select button under Automated implementation and select "GUI (Rational Test Datastore). Select the Test script you want to copy and click ok. Now your test script is uploaded to testmanager. now rightclick on the Test script and click Export.
Give the path where the script needs to be saved and check the checkboxes associated implementations and test inputs. Click ok. close the export window once it finishes exporting the script.
The script and its VPs are saved in a .rtpar which is saved in the specified location.

Now open Rational TestManager of Project2 and click File -> Import from Test Asset Parcel. Browse the .rtpar file saved from project1 and say ok. Then click Import All and select the Test case folder where you want to save the Test script in the Test Plan. say Ok and choose the option whether to overwrite or not overwrite the script with same name. Click Ok. close the window.

Close the TestManager, open it again and you could the script imported from project1. Right click on the script, goto properties -> Implementation and click on Open button under Automated Implementation. You script is opened in Robot of project2 which is copied from project1.

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