Role of configuration controller in testing

What is the role of configuration controller in testing? will configuration controller baselines the testcases?

Questions by suman_testing   answers by suman_testing

Showing Answers 1 - 10 of 10 Answers


  • Aug 27th, 2008

Yes, configration controller very critical role in the testing. If the configration is not done successfully then it means it create some problem some where else. That the tester react as a bug which is actually due to the wrong configration. So that is why configration controller is the baseline of the test case.

CC role is very important for the big projects in which functionality keep on changes!

Once a CR is came then he needs to update the documenation as well as concerned version names to the files. Giving versioning to files depends on project to project, it may be once in a week, once in a month or daily basis.

So proper vertion controlling allows both testing and dev team to give a good quality for the project.



  • Jun 3rd, 2009

Role of configuration controller is important in the view of overall  project and not in the view of testing . In other words, role of configuration controller takes less importance with respect to testing artifacts but more importance with the version of source codes.

Assume that a tester finds a bug in version 4 of the AUT (Application under test) and devloper fixes it in version 5. In version 8 some other regression bug arises due to the initial bug found in version 4.

In this scenario,if the version control is not proper then it would be difficult for the developer what are the overall changes happened between version 4 and version 5 which caused bug in version 8. (In this issue, source code changes in version 6,7 should also be included).

On the other hand, test case versioning is less relavant and can be managed by testers themselves.

Configuration control tool like Visual source safe contains testing artifacts like test plan, test cases, bug summary reports etc. Whenever the new version of the project released, the documents existing in the configuration control tool also updated. For example for a module enhancement all the documents related to that project in the CC tool is updated along with the history and there by act as an effective tool for version control.

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  • Oct 14th, 2009

The role of CC is as much important for Dev team as it is to Testing team. The reason is whatever changes happen to code will have a corresponding effect on test cases and all other artifacts. If a bug is reported, it has to be correctly mapped to proper baseline document which is a reference.

For example, if a bug is posted in Version 9 of the application based on the knowledge of version 5 BRDs, it will be rejected upfront. As a tester, CC role is most crucial to testing team than any other team. I don't agree with the idea that CC role is more important to Dev team than Testing team. In fact, the vice versa is more true.

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