Types of Testing Techniques

There are many types of testing like syntactic test,Semantic test,Equivalence partitioning, Boundary value analysis,Elementary comparison test, Decision flow making etc and so on. The main thing is what is the difference between Boundary value analysis and Equivalence partitioning

Questions by mewera

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In the equivalence class partitioing the tester is allowed to select any element of an equivalence class where as Boundary value analysis requires the testers to select only the boundary values ie., the uppper and lower edges of an equivalence class.

Ex: The input range conditions are
1. alphanumeric
2. range form 3 to 15
3. first two letters should be alphabets

Equivalence Class partitioning wil be like
EC1 - valid aplhanumeric
EC2 - in valid alphanumeric

EC3 - range between 3- 15 valid
EC 4 -  invalid range below 3
EC5 - invalid range above 15

EC 6 - first 2 char as alphabets
EC 7 - First 2 char as not alphabets

Totally we can partition our data to 7 class

When using Boundary value analysis we consider only the boundary values

BLB - Just below the lower boundary (=2)
LB-  Value on the lower boundary (=3)
UB - Value on the upper boundary (=15)
AUB - just above the upper boundary (=16)

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Equivalance Partitioning:? It's nothing but partitioning the given range of input values into equal range of parts. For example assume there is a text box and it only allows the range 1-12, using equivalance partitioning this range can be divided into 3 parts...

??????????? ... -2 -1? 0 1 .............. 12 13? 14? 15 .....
????? --------------|-------------------|---------------------
invalid partition 1?? valid partition???? invalid partition 2

Here the first part is ( -3..0), 2nd is ( 1-12) and 3rd is (13-15), out of 3 first and 3rd will come under negative parts, 2nd one comes under positive.

Boundary Value Analysis:? This can be done using Equivalance partitioning, first need to divide the given input range into equal range of input, and need to apply this technique to reduce the no.of test cases.

To apply boundary value analysis, a test case at each side of the boundary between two partitions is selected. In the above example this would be 0 and 1 for the lower boundary as well as 12 and 13 for the upper boundary. Each of these pairs consists of a "clean" and a "negative" test case. A "clean" test case should lead to a valid result. A "negative" test case should lead to specified error handling such as the limiting of values, the usage of a substitute value, or a warning. Boundary value analysis can result in three test cases for each boundary; for example if n is a boundary, test cases could include n-1, n, and n+1.


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