Hyperion HFM

Hi this is peter,recently i got trained in Hyperion Financial Management , can any body answer to my question, what is olap and whether it is related to HYPERION FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT.

Questions by peter mathews

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OLAP is an Online Analytical Processing means "it is a set of specification which allows the client application in retrieving the data from data warehouse.
It is not related to the HFM, because HFM is an functional to the hyperion tool.
If it is wrong send the right answer.

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  • Apr 6th, 2009

Hyperion HFM/ Hyperion Planning both are based on Essbase. So Hyperion HFM and Planning are front-end tech. Essbase is the back end. Essbase is a M-OLAP. There is 3 type of OLAP technology there is the market. ROLAP, MOLAP, HOLAP.

BO is the typical example of ROLAP, here you deal with table and they will act as a virtual cube here. But if you think about Oracle Express, Hyperion Essbase and Cognos then they are real cubes not the virtual table act as a cube in case of BO. that is why they are MOLAP. ROLAP+MOLAP=HOLAP.

In case of BO you need to join to get the OLAP effect virtually but the behaind is a joined table. BUT in Case of MOLAP the concept of table is not there it is cube only.
I will give you a simple example like a page is a table then a Book is a Cube.

But is the data is huge then if is advisable to go for ROLAP not MOLAP. beacsse the performance is of the cube's will degrade. The Data should be arround 100 GB to 150 GB then it is ok to go with MOLAP if the that is more then that then you choose BO.

So probably its clear to you now.

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  • Dec 16th, 2009

HFM has no OLAP in it.  It is built entirely on Relational technology.  Hyperion Planning is build on essbase OLAP and uses it's calculation engine for business logic.  Oracle/Hyperion will drive purchases so that Essbase is purchased with HFM along with reporting tools and seats.  Typical uses of OLAP will be to push data out of HFM to OLAP as a cross tab enabled datamart for reporting.  

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mujeeb mohammed

  • May 10th, 2013

Hi Peter if you are HFM trained person,dont think about OLAP its a pure technical it is useful to Essbase guys.

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  • Nov 2nd, 2016

OLAP-Online Analytical Processing is a server to store the information

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