Generating ppt through java

I am trying to generate ppt through Java using Apache POI API. I am able to create table, bulleted text etc using this API.

Please answer the following two questions, if anyone is aware of this.

1. How to split text across two slides, if the row had to be broken across 2 slides because the row is so big that it can only be accommodated in 2 slide ?

2. How to re-size table cell , if the text which is going to put in that cell is larger than table cell size ?

Questions by dinshetty

Showing Answers 1 - 6 of 6 Answers

If data contains in the list, try to use two for loops. Or else list element is having the long text, try to use wrap text method, Try to verify POI API.

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  • Nov 8th, 2013

Try this Java Library, i hope it will solve your problem:

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A list of few more Java interview questions like

1. By default, Java is pass by reference or pass by value. How does it handle?

2. In which scenario, you will use custom exceptions in Java.

3. How does garbage collection work in Java

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