Functional Testing Question


can any one answer me the following question?

I have three text fields, one should accept a string as input,
second text box should accept a float as input and
the third text box is for output.
the output should be an integer. what are the possible test cases we can write for the above functionality?

My answer: 1.verify that the first field is accepting string.
2.verify that the first field is not accepting any thing other than a text(numbers(purely numbers with out any string data type) null characters, special characters)
3.verify that the second field is accepting float values.
4. verify that the second field is not acepting any thig other than float.
5.verify the output when the above conditions are met, o not.

then the interviewer replied that my explanation is correct. but it explains only +ve and negetive testing, but it didn't perofrm other tests. can any one tell me what could be the other test cases I can write for the above example?

Questions by lakshmiadus

Showing Answers 1 - 10 of 10 Answers


  • Oct 15th, 2008

1) Is it a mandatory field?
2) What if it is left blank?
3) Output? In the form of report etc?
4) Data files?
5) Enquiry?

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1. Before that check that both the Text box fields are enable or not.
2. Enter the Blank, numerics, Alphanumerics, Special characters,Single quote, maximmum value or the combination of all in the Text box1
3. Enter the blank, Alphabts, Alphanumerics, Special Characters, Single quote, maximmum value, integer, -ve(-3.00), invalid(3/1.0) or the combination of all in the Text box2
4. After calculating the result value in the Text box3 should not editable.

Here are possible test cases:

1. Verify 'string' text box accepts all alphanumeric characters as defined in specifications
2. Verify upper limit value in 'float' text box
3. Verify upper limit value + 1 in 'float' text box
4. Verify upper limit value - 1 in 'float' text box
5. Verify lower limit value in 'float' text box
6. Verify lower limit value + 1 in 'float' text box
7. Verify lower limit value - 1 in 'float' text box
8. Verify 'float' text box when number is entered in scientific notation
9. Verify 'float' text box does not accept alpha and special characters
10. Verify number of characters in 'string' text box meets specification
11. Verify number of characters in 'float' text box meets specification
12. Verify when submitting form when nothing is entered in 'string' text box
13. Verify when submitting form when nothing is entered in 'float' text box
14. Verify validation message of 'float' text box is proper when anything but float is submitted
15. Verify validation message of 'string' text box is proper when nothing is submitted
16. Verify validation message of 'float' text box is proper when nothing is submitted
17. Verify 'output text box' is non-editable
18. Verify results displayed in 'output text box' (format, text) meets specification
19. Verify results are not truncated when strings of maximum length are submitted
20. Verify results are not submitted when floats of maximum length are submitted 

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