SDLC models testing

How we will test SDLC models in manual testing

Questions by ranganathyugandhar   answers by ranganathyugandhar

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In the SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) we visit or client give us there requirment of the software. The team work on it, analysis, coding, design and testing. The software is fully tested with the help of automation tools sometimes it requires the mannual testing. Mannual testing is important part of the SDLC without testing the SDLC is not complete. It ensures the developer, the software have less bugs and it work appropriate at the client site

Software Devlopment Life Cycle is basically a systematic way of devloping a software. It includes various phases starting from the functional requirement of a software. Means what a software is supposed to do. After that designing takes place then development and then testing. After testing is finished the source code is genrally released for Unit Acceptence Testing (UAT) in client testing envirnoment. After approval from client the source code is released into production envirnoment.  


  • Nov 4th, 2008

SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) starts from the beginning of the software till the end of the software. It goes through various phases like requirement, analysis, design, coding, testing, implementation, testing and maintanence. A SDLC will not be complete without any of these.

This is nothing but the testing is covered in full cycles...
1. System Analysis and requirement
2. Design
3. Implementation
4. Testing
5. Maintenance

Testing Starts from the initial phase and covered in all cycles..
In system Analysis and Requirement the type of testing is called Static. During this phase..ideas are gathered and evaluated. Testing starts here as "Verification". Those documents (Requirement, Functional, Business Logic, etc..) are Peer Reviewed and should be approved.(Version control Feature)

During Design phase Requirements, Business logic are slitted to Logical flows. followed by derivatives of use flows( represent by diagrams or by documents). at the end the High level Designs are approved. Testing team prepared the Test cases for the approved Design flows.

During Implementation, Unite level testing is covered. Control flow, Basis Path testing, Code coverage, Branch coverage, Statement Coverage are tested.

During Testing phase, generated Test cases are approved according to the functional flow. once done the test cases are executed, bugs are generated in bug report. for every build and version the bug rate should reduce and keen to deliver.

During Maintenance Phase, the change request are documented and checklist are prepared by the Test team. once the changes are done. testing team involved in Regression testing and ensure that the bug or the changes not impact any where...

So Testing is fully covered in all the SDLC phases

We do not test SDLC Models, as Software Development Life Cycle is a process that is followed by companies while developing the application and Testing is a part of SDLC.

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  • Jul 19th, 2009

SDLC models testing is considered to be as a static test conducted for the selection of the SDLC model among all the models available and applicable with respect to current project. Selection process of the models is considered to be as SDLC models testing.

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