Input and Outputs

Input and outputs are most important in which type of testing

a. Black box testing
b. White box testing
c. Decision testing
d. Exploratory testing

Questions by kadivetiram

Showing Answers 1 - 10 of 10 Answers

friends, i too agree that if i consider Test data, Inputs and Outputs are very Important in Black box testing, as most of the test cases will have some input (data) and by doing some transactions there will be some output(data)

As a tester i am not bothered with White Box testing / Decission Testing as mostly it is done by developers

but why not Exploratory Testing, i am asking this becoz, if i am doing exploratory testing means, there are no requirements and you have application to test, then as a tester you need to consult BA, developers and if needed consult clients too. For taking input information with respect to application flow and functionality.

so could some body give me more explaination why Not Exploratory Testing?


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I choose:  a) Black-box testing and d) Exploratory testing

Black-box testing is based on the concept that testers are to view any system under test like a black box without knowledge of the internal workings of the system.  What matters in black-box testing are the supplied inputs (test steps) and their corresponding outputs (expected results).   

Exploratory testing is also a consideration because, oddly enough, exploratory testing is a form of black-box testing.    

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