There are 10 test cases, in that 5 fail and 5 pass after fixing the bugs will we go for the recycle or continue with the cycle

Questions by basavaraj kusammanavar

Showing Answers 1 - 24 of 24 Answers


  • Jul 1st, 2008

jsu tretest the bugs its called restest......then prepare the bug less application then test the full application ...if there any bugs raised make status as new raised bug

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By reading the question i came to know that there are 10 cases, 5 failed, 5 passed, so that means complete cycle is over! so there is no scope to continue with this cycle.. so we must definitely go for retesting. If all fixed are closed then again we should go for regression testing.


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  • Jun 23rd, 2009

This depends on the priority of the failed test cases and hence of the logged defects too.

So there are two possibilities:

1) If a majority of the defects are of severity - very high/high then a recycle is needed to carry out a bug fix regression.

2) But if the majority of failed test cases are low in priority(checking of a logo/label) then we can continue with the cycle and do an interim check of the status of defects and give a build before the cycle is complete.

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Once the 5 bugs has been fixed than we have to go for retesting at that time it is passed we can leave it.
Hence we should go for recycle because if the developer are fixing the bug means it is developer modifying the inner data due to modification sometime it can be have to any other new kind of bug may arise in order to overcome we should go for recycle process it will be taking some time but once it has been integrated than at that time it is very difficult to clear.

The answer to this question depends on whether or not we have met our exit criteria.  If our exit criteria has been met, perhaps it was a mistake to even fix the defects.  How much resources will be required to execute the next test cycle, and do the fixes provide enough added value to warrant the additional costs of testing? 

We will not conduct another test cycle if all of the following conditions are true:

1) The number of defects found in the previous test pass combined with all other non-closed defects are few enough and of low enough priority that we have satisfied our exit criteria.

2) After evaluating the risks of all non-closed defects, it is concluded that there are no significant impacts on the product. 

3) The cost to test the next build exceeds the benefit of adding the current fixes.

If any one of these three conditions is false, then we will likely conduct another test cycle.

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