When and What to Test

How do you determine when and what to test?

Questions by rehman.scorpio

Showing Answers 1 - 14 of 14 Answers


  • Jul 13th, 2008

Test Plan outlines when and what to test, so how to you make the test plan?

Some suggestions and principles:

Test coverage should be risk based, the higher the risk, the more the area should be tested.

Early in the project, bugs have to be removed to enable the testing to procede.  Usually certain interface problems make testing impossible.

Give an area testing based on how much work has been done on it lately, then the bugs will be discovered sooner, and hopefully as the work in the area continues, this makes fixing them easier and quicker for the developers.  So if you had a list of the source code that has been checked out since the previous build, that would help you decide what to test.

Bugs should be identified before the area is "frozen".  If the area is subject to a freeze, the odds are high that the bug won't be fixed.  Clearly this is not as useful as finding bugs that will be fixed.  The Test Plan would definately take the development schedule into account.

Testing should start early the software devlopment life cycle to reduce the cost. Testing is risk based activity. We can adopt different approached for testing depend upon the aims and goals of project. Experience in testing will definately help to decide what to test.

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  • Nov 20th, 2008

This a very interesting question. You should detarmine it based on your SDLC and TLC your company is following. This document will make it clear for you.

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This should be clearly focused in the Test Plan.
Testing Starts once the "Sanity" is passed and split to the Testers that they are well enough practiced in the requirements.
What to Test also clearly mentioned in the Test pla: Testing Scope, Testing Strategy(Testing Type Defined), Testing Schedule.

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  • Aug 31st, 2009

When and what to test is only depends on the following factors:
1. Budget of project.
2. Type of project.
3. Resources available to test.
4. Time available for testing.

So considering above mentioned factors, test plan is prepared initially wherein:

under "Schedule and milestones" section, "when to test" is mentioned and 
under "Test Strategies" section, "What to test" is mentioned.

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The answer to this question depends on the

1) software development model being used,
2) whether you are referring to static or dynamic testing, 
3) project's value to the company,
4) complexity of the project
5) time,
6) budget, and
7) test resources

If I am employed in a company that uses the traditional waterfall development model and my test group performs functional (dynamic) testing, then the answer to this question is simple:  Our test phase begins when we start reviewing requirements documents immediately after they become baselined and our test effort will focus primarily on the verification of these requirements as they pertain to the product under test.  Of course, real-world conditions are never that simple, so I would need to know the specific circumstances before I could adequately answer this question.    

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