What is performance tuning?

Questions by chengaiah

Showing Answers 1 - 12 of 12 Answers


  • Aug 27th, 2008

'Performance tuning' is the term used to improve the performance of a query..that is, quickening the query execution time...a query that involves a large no of db tables may take around 20-30 min to execute for ex...

In such case, the developer shud fine tune the query and reduce the query run time..this can be done by

(i) using indexes
(ii) elimination of duplicates by using 'distinct' keyword etc..

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Performance tuning is the way of :
Improving Throughput (in OLTP) or
Decrease response time (in DWH)

Different types of tuning are there:
Query level
Object level
Database level
Application level
System level

Responsible Roles:
Database designer
Database developer
Database admin
Application developer

Complete tuning cannot be discussed over here and incomplete knowledge is very dangerous.
It may worse the performance so read the complete rules from Oracle Press books

Performance tuning is the improvement of system performance.
Performance improvement, by its nature, is iterative.
The Oracle server is a sophisticated and highly tunable software product. Its flexibility allows you to make small adjustments that affect database performance. By tuning your system, you can tailor its performance to best meet your needs.
Step 1: Tune the Business Rules
Step 2: Tune the Data Design
Step 3: Tune the Application Design
Step 4: Tune the Logical Structure of the Database
Step 5: Tune Database Operations
Step 6: Tune the Access Paths
Step 7: Tune Memory Allocation
Step 8: Tune I/O and Physical Structure
Step 9: Tune Resource Contention
Step 10: Tune the Underlying Platform(s)

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Neema rose

  • Sep 20th, 2015

I would like to take this opportunity to explain this tremendously difficult topic in a very simple manner of course with a very relevant example.

Here we go:
Performance tuning is the tuning of system performance such that its performance is tuned and after tuning its performance is improved.

Its a technique that is used to tune the system performance to improve its performance so that no further tuning is needed.

For eg: we tune our car/bike to improve its performance and we feel happy after that.

So its an art, skill and the dexterity of a person who can tune the system to perform well and make us and our customers happy.


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  • May 3rd, 2016

This content is not explanatory. using the word performance tuning in different way/manner in the explanation part doesnt make any Sense. I have commented only on Neemas answer. Rest all are meant.

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Performance tuning definition is first of all, what are the benchmark set for system which are not met and we consider this as a performance issue and we need to tune the same.

Let give an example, like as per the agreement between customer and service provider that each and every screen should respond withing 2-3 sec and initially it was running as per SLA (Service Level Agreement) but somehow not some of screen is taking longer to display the required information or any other information(reports). in this case I would say performance tuning required.

Now what we should do for performance tuning is need to check the statistics of tables which are used as core tables, whether its stale or not. Then go for SQL query checking like all joins, driving table sequence, indexes or not step by step.

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