WebElement recognized by QTP but can't click on it


could somebody please help. Working on a web app. it has two sections on the left hand side is a list of folders or options. when some option is clicked on, on the right hand side all the stuff in that folder is populate. QTP recognizes the object and in the summary results shows what was clicked on, but nothing happens. not sure if there is something behind this object or....
here is what i have tried.
Browser("WebAPP").Page("WebPage").WebElement("Innertext:=XXX","HTML Tag:=NOBR","Index:=0").click
Also Tried to get the child objects and then click on the specific object in the webtable still no luck.

Questions by amiqbal

Showing Answers 1 - 16 of 16 Answers

Use following method.

 Set objABC = Browser("Browser").Page("Portal").WebElement("ABC_ELM")
 Set objDeviceReplay1 = CreateObject("mercury.devicereplay")
 x = objABC.GetROProperty("abs_x")
 y = objABC.GetROProperty("abs_y")
 objDeviceReplay1.MouseClick x + 20 , y + 5,0
 Set objDeviceReplay1 = Nothing

This will click the webelement or any object in QTP by x y cordinates using GetROProperty.


  • Mar 11th, 2015

You can try below

  1. Setting.WebPackage("ReplayType") = 2

  2. Browser("browser").Page("pageWebElement("webelement").Click

  3. Setting.WebPackage("ReplayType") = 1


  • Mar 13th, 2015

Please use mouse automation i.e Analog recording as sometimes qtp dont identify some objects,so instead you should use mouse automation for click,double click operations.And if you want to enter some data which qtp is not recognizing,then use keyboard automation.

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  • Oct 11th, 2015

May be it has some hidden objects. You first create a descriptive object for that and find out how many similar objects having in that page. By keeping in for loop find out which having width > 0, that is your required object in that particular page then click.

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  • Jan 28th, 2016

Its working, Thank you

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  • May 9th, 2018

Browser("WebAPP").Page("WebPage").WebElement("Innertext:=XXX","HTML Tag:=NOBR","Index:=0").click
createobhect("wscript.shellscripting").run {"ENTER"}
Hope so this willwork.

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