What are the characteristics of a hands-on BSA?

Questions by uma101

Showing Answers 1 - 2 of 2 Answers

Ashok Singh

  • May 10th, 2016


If you are a practicing Business Analyst then you should have a grip on the followings:

Practical BA knowledge for scenario based questions:
You can go through documents available of projects you have worked on or go through BA case studies if you have access to.

BA knowledge areas defined by IIBA:
Thorough understanding of IIBA knowledge areas gives confidence to the interviewer that you are aware of global practices. However, the best answer to this question is to be a certified Business Analyst. If you are a certified BA then the interviewer will have greater confidence in you for the overall know-how of the BA concepts.

BA tasks & techniques in each knowledge area:
To take discussion deeper, the interviewer may ask about the tasks involved in different knowledge areas. So be prepared and understand the conceptual and practical details of each task in all the knowledge areas.

Popular tools used by BA:
Regardless of whether you got a chance of using any BA tool in your career, you should know minimum 3 tools related to UML, Process Modelling, UI mockups and Mind mapping.

Crucial BA deliverable like Business Case, Business Analysis Plan, Requirement Documents:
Here you have a chance to do icing on the cake as a deep understanding of key BA deliverables will make your case really strong and establish you as one of the most preferred options for your future employer.

Lastly the interpersonal skills,
Though I am writing about interpersonal skills in the end but many a time these skills become the most important factor in hiring a Business Analyst. Reason being the above two skill sets i.e. BA skills and Job specific skill are easier to impart than the Interpersonal skills. So keep working on your interpersonal skills as it is an ongoing learning process.

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