Dynamic Correlation

What is Dynamic Correlation ?

Questions by brindhavana

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In Performance testing Correlation is a concept of capturing dynamic values from server's response and reusing them in further requests to simulate real user actions on the server.

We normally capture dynamic information by identifying a unique left and right boundaries(strings) of the dynamic data from the response. But if the strings by which that dynamic data is bound, are themselves dynamic, to put it simply, if the left and right boundaries of the string to be captured are dynamic then it is called "dynamic correlation".

To deal with such dynamic boundaries we have text flags in web_reg_save_param function which we normally use to capture dynamic data.

You can use one of the following flags after the text, preceded by a forward slash:
/IC to ignore the case.
/BIN to specify binary data.
/DIG to interpret the pound sign (#) as a wildcard for a single digit.
/ALNUM<case> to interpret the caret sign (^) as a wildcard for a single US–ASCII alphanumeric character. There are three syntaxes: ALNUMIC to ignore case, ALNUMLC to match only lower case, and ALNUMUC to match only upper case.

web_reg_save_param("dynamic_left_boundary_value", "LB/DIG=abc#abc:", "RB=:rb", LAST);

The above function can captue "Mahesh" from below response


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