Domain Knowledge for Testers

How importance is domain knowledge for testers?

Questions by mmereena

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Domain knowledge is very important for? a tester to test the application, if he know the knowledge of domain then he can do a better testing and can able to found more issues, hence quality of the application will increased automatically.

? Apart from that error guessing is also easy for the tester, and under standing of the requirements is also very easy, if at all any change request came he can handle easily with out any problems.


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Domain knowledge is an added advantage for a tester to test the product effectively.

Like for an application for airline domain:

1. IF NO domain knowledge : the tester will be definitely able to test the product acording to requirements BUT he/she won't be able to test it apart from the specs( like error guessing & the calculation for legs & class tickets)

2. IF YES domain knowledge: the tester will know if a certain drop down has invalid values to select for destination & source(codes) . Also, the term 'leg' would make more sense suring ticket booking testing.

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Domain Knowledge makes the Tester to do testing in effectively manner. Which is an additional advantage to do effective testing. With out knowing the domain knowledge tester can do test with Specification, SRS and Functional documents. In rare case, training should provide, which make time consume.

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