Foreach and Forall

Difference between Foreach and Forall?

Questions by kamal.7923   answers by kamal.7923

Showing Answers 1 - 6 of 6 Answers

In Calculation Context, ForEach is used to include the dimension.

e.g. u want the Sales Revenue of every month by Year & Quarter, it will provides you with Sales Revenue for each month seperately. like
1   1000
2   1500
3   1200
4   2500
5   2678
6   1080
7   3000
8   2900
9   2670

ForAll is used to exclude the dimension used in it.
e.g. u want sales revenue of every month by Year and Quarter, it will provides u the same value of every month.
means for Q1 - for 1,2,3 month same Sales Revenue like
1    1000
2    1000
3    1000
4    2500
5    2500
6    2500
7    3000
8    3000
9    3000

i hope this will help u.


  • Oct 27th, 2010

Both ForEach and ForAll Operatators are context operators.
ForEach allows us to define groups within the data context for our calculations.
Whereas ForAll allows us to instruct Business Objects which dimensions in the report context will not affect our calculations.

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  • Aug 28th, 2012

There are major Three Context Operator use in the calculation.
ForAll : Operator Remove the Dimension form the Calculation context.
ForEach : Operator Add the Dimension From the Calculation Context.
In : Operator give you calculation from the scratch.

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