How to test the performance of a Flash application?

Anyone knows a tool for testing the performance of a flash application

Questions by Rejani

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers

Flash has client side processing. If you can integrate winrunner/QTP scripts into load runner using GUI license you can measure the response time end to end.

Using HTTP protocaol, ine can ony measure the server side response times.


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  • May 12th, 2009

This question is applicable to any web application that has components that are processed on the user's browser.  (i.e., flash, ajax, applets...) 

The user's response time is a combination of processing time on the user's browser and the server's performance in processing and delivering the data. 

The best possible response time for a given machine/browser is simply obtained using "stopwatch" tests.  (automated or not).  With the server under single user load, the response time is simply measured for a given action or sequence of actions.   This will give the response time for a given browser and platform.  

As server load increases the server's component of response time is going to degrade.  It can be reasonable assumed that the performance of the user's browser is not going to change.  (At least until the server begins to send bad/slow data that causes timeout problems in the end-user's browser.) 

Thus a script that sends requests to the server and measures the response times from the  browser request until "time-to-first-byte" is a reasonable measurement of server response time performance. 

By way of example, I've seen response times for an Ajax request vary from 3 seconds in a newer platform with a multi-core cpu and the google chrome browser - to  40 seconds on an older cpu running IE6.   

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