Minimum Requirement to start Testing

What is the minimum requirement to start testing?

Questions by neeladri

Showing Answers 1 - 26 of 26 Answers


  • Mar 17th, 2008

Minimum Requirement to start Testing is depends or project size, environment, resources.But in general we can say like1. Proper set Testing Environment of system2. Proper Test plan designed,which depends on Specific requirements and covers all User expectaions.3. Properly designed High Level Test cases which covers almost all main functionalities of the System/Project4. Human resources with some sound knowledge of Testing and should atleast have idea of STLC (Software Testing Life Cycle).Correct me if i m wrong!!Many Thanks,Dev..

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  • Jul 1st, 2008

To Start Testing with a minimum requirements we need to look for the following avaliabilities:

1. SRS ( Software Requirements  Specification) about the Project.
2. High level Test Cases defined as per the SRS including all the main functionalities.
3. Setting up the System environment as per the SRS.
4. Test plan and Test schedule should be created to do the Testing in a more effective way.
5. Skilled Testers/Human Resources to handle the Testing in a effective way.

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  • Jul 2nd, 2008

Testing Start

           When Application study was confident enough

           When  the environment was supportive enough for testing

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  • Jan 19th, 2009

1)Build has been received from development team &
configuration team has deployed it on QA box.

2)Test environment setup completed & test bed is prepared.

3)Tester has done his analysis on the clients requirement &

4)Test cases are reviewed completely.


  • Mar 21st, 2009

How about this?

The answer depends on what is 'testing'?

The minimum requirement for starting testing would be a Functional Requirement sSpecifications (FRS), aka Business Requirements Document. I would start testing by reviewing this document.

If testing means functional testing, then I would need
1. BRD/FRS as mentioned earlier
2. All written test cases for the feature(s) decided to be tested
3. A build form development that 
  a. compiles, installs and runs without major errors (in other words, passes sanity/smoke testing)
  b. contains the functionality being tested.

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  • Jun 23rd, 2009

If the question points to when to start with test execution then the answer is when the agreed entry criteria mentioned in the test plan is met

The entry criteria can be:

1) The test plan/strategy document is approved and signed off.
2) The test cases/bed is approved.
3) All related documents are configured. i.e Configuration Management is in place.
4) Hardware/software/database environments are deployed.
5) Formal mail from dev/deployment is received with build notes.
6) All the defects found in unit/integration testing are fixed and incorporated in the build.
7) Test execution schedule is available.

Following are the minimum requirements to start Testing

BRS/SRS documents are required to prepare Test  Douments like Test strategy,Test plan,Test scenarios,Test cases

Test environment to conduct System testing on the received  software build from the developers.

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The answer to this question depends on the type of testing to be performed.  I will interpret this question quite literally and answer it this way:  Exploratory testing requires minimum resources, and the requirements necessary for exploratory testing are a product and a tester. 


  • Nov 1st, 2011

Requirements as you think need not be the commonly used term in IT. It can be anything that will help you test the application. So the minimum requirement to start testing from me would be a demo of the application. One can notice a lot of bugs just by performing exploratory or ad hoc testing. Start thinking out of the box!

***Please search the site for exploratory and ad hoc testing definitions.

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