Your Customer does not know how to write UAT documents How will you Handle this situation?

Questions by neeladri

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  • Mar 17th, 2008

Well, a Tester can help Customer to Design User Acceptance Test Cases. Normally, use cases are created during the requirements definitions phase of a project. Mainely USer Acceptance Test Cases must be concentrated and addresses the user's(Customer's) functional needs.UAT Test Cases should be designed with considering points like customer exact needs, User environments, User simultenious loads etc etc.

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  • Mar 21st, 2009

If my customer does not know how to write the UAT test cases, I would do the following

1. Suggest a template for UAT test plan that is minimalistic in nature. It would address some setup and environment issues, suggested use cases and include test cases.

2. If I have the time, I would discuss with the customer about the features they think are most important. I would further clarify if they have any use cases or stories about the features that can help me identify the test cases. I can use this discussion to identify test cases I might already have created during the internal testing process or would have to write new ones.

3. The minimum I can do is to select a bunch of my test cases, club a few related ones into more high-level test cases and give them to the user. This is if I do nto have the time (or, for that matter, the inclination) to discuss with them what I described in step 2.

In practice, it may be more important to drive the UAT and to get the customers to actually spend the time on UAT rather than defining the tests. Customer susually have some idea of what they want. If they do not, God save you and your customer!

Requirements are open to interpretation and the purpose of a User Acceptance Test is to verify that the product meets requirements as they are interpreted by the client.  Consequently, I believe it is in the client's best interests to decide how the application is to satisfy their own requirements by producing their own set of test cases.  

Nevertheless, the first thing I would do would be to discuss our options with the Project Manager and other key company stakeholders.  On the fly, I can think of these options:

1) Provide training on requirement evaluation and test case creation process.  This would cost our company time and resources beyond what had been originally planned.

2) Suggest that the client contract this work out to a company that specializes in User Acceptance Testing.  Even this is risky.  The client would need to work closely with this firm in order to ensure the tests reflect the client's interpretation of the requirements and not the contract firm's interpretation.
3) Offer to give the client our test cases.  To some degree, this defeats the purpose of User Acceptance Testing. 

The Project Manager and I would meet with the client and present the options while offering the advantages and disadvantages for each.

Hopefully we will be able to reach a solution that will benefit both companys. 

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