Data Structures
Assume you have large set of data, say more than 100,000 elements. Each data element has a unique string associated with it.
1. What data structure has the optimal algorithmic access time to any element when the only thing you know about the element is the unique string associated with it?
2. What is the O() time for access to any element using this data structure?
3. What data structures would you use in the implementation of a single new data structure that has all of the following properties? Explain how this implementation works.
o Optimal algorithmic random access time to any element knowing only the unique string associated with it (as above)
o Keeps track of the order of insertion into the data structure, so you can acquire the elements back in the same order
o Optimal algorithmic random access time to any element knowing only the index of insertion.
Questions by musclebai answers by musclebai
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Data Structures
1. What data structure has the optimal algorithmic access time to any element when the only thing you know about the element is the unique string associated with it?
2. What is the O() time for access to any element using this data structure?
3. What data structures would you use in the implementation of a single new data structure that has all of the following properties? Explain how this implementation works.
o Optimal algorithmic random access time to any element knowing only the unique string associated with it (as above)
o Keeps track of the order of insertion into the data structure, so you can acquire the elements back in the same order
o Optimal algorithmic random access time to any element knowing only the index of insertion.
Questions by musclebai answers by musclebai
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