Given colors, subtract the fade value and print

What is wrong with the following C# code? It should take the given colors and subtract the given fadeValue and then print out the new faded values. Please copy and paste the code into your response and fix it so that it works correctly.
using System;

namespace PCD
class MainClass
static void Main(string[] args)
int red=110;
int green=220;
int blue=230;

getFadedColor(red, green, blue, 10);
getFadedColor(red, green, blue, 20);

Console.WriteLine("red: " + red);
Console.WriteLine("green: " + green);
Console.WriteLine("blue: " + blue);

static void getFadedColor(int red, int green, int blue, int fadeValue)
red -= fadeValue;
green -= fadeValue;
blue -= fadeValue;

Questions by musclebai   answers by musclebai

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers

namespace PCD
class MainClass
static void Main(string[] args)
int red=110;
int green=220;
int blue=230;

  getFadedColor(ref red, ref  green, ref  blue, 10);
  getFadedColor(ref red, ref  green, ref  blue, 20);

Console.WriteLine("red: " + red);
Console.WriteLine("green: " + green);
Console.WriteLine("blue: " + blue);

       static void getFadedColor(ref int red,ref int green ,ref int blue , int fadeValue)
            red -= fadeValue;
            green -= fadeValue;
            blue -= fadeValue;


  • Jan 8th, 2010

namespace PCD
    class MainClass
        static void Main(string[] args)
             int red = 110;
             int green = 220;
             int blue = 230;

            getFadedColor( red,  green,  blue, 10);
            getFadedColor( red,  green,  blue, 20);

            Console.WriteLine("red: " + Red);
            Console.WriteLine("green: " + Green);
            Console.WriteLine("blue: " + Blue);

        static void getFadedColor( int red,  int green,  int blue,  int fadeValue)
            red -= fadeValue;
            green -= fadeValue;
            blue -= fadeValue;

            _red = red;
            _green  = green;
            _blue = blue;


        private static int _red;
        private static int _green;
        private static int _blue;

        public static int Red
                return _red;

        public static int Green
                return _green;

        public static int Blue
                return _blue;

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