What is the difference between SQL & PLSQL?

Questions by jagadeesh9   answers by jagadeesh9

Showing Answers 1 - 12 of 12 Answers

sql is structured query language and plsql is procedural sql.
in sql we write a query to fetch the data from data base. in pl sql we write the set of sql command and execute it in one times. the benefit of plsql is its performance. because all the command execute in one time so input output will be fast.


  • Mar 17th, 2008

sql is a set oriented language too..This is the basic of any database..PL/SQL is specific to oracle(Procedural language extension to structured query language)

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Sql is a non procedural language i.e. we  say what to do not how to do . Oracle sql engine itself decides how to do.

Where as pl sql is procedural language. We write program logic and control the execution sequence.

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  • Mar 6th, 2012

sql is structured query language and plsql is procedural sql.
in sql we write a query to fetch the data from data base. in pl sql we write the set of sql command and execute it in one times. the benefit of plsql is its performance. because all the command execute in one time so input output will be fast.

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Nazeera Jaffar

  • Sep 26th, 2012

1.Sql is a declarative language.It tells only what to do.
PL/Sql is a procedural language.It tells what to do and how to do.
2.Sql executes DDL and DML statements .
Pl/Sql executes triggers,functions,procedures and package.
3.sql executes only one statements at a time.
pl/sql executes multiple statements at a time.
4.sql is data oriented language.
pl/sql is object oriented language and supports inheritance etc.
5.We can embed sql statements in a pl/sql.
we cannot embed pl/sql statements in sql

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