Pond approach and Mirror approach

What is pond approach and mirror approach?

Questions by lekha253   answers by lekha253

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Pond Approach is used to select the Type Testings applicable for that application.
Pond itself indicate the it contains the water form that water you have to collect purified water.  This approch is used in different phases ie in testing and Metrics to measure the effort and in Test Plan

Mirror Approach is used before going to deliver the customer testing in the lab with the same configuration or environment of client using is called Mirror Approach

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The term "Pond Approach" represents several things: 
1) "Pond" is a metaphor used to describe the Agile approach to software development.  This metaphor is primarily used to describe the differences between Waterfall and Agile software development in terms of how each approach handles change.  The Waterfall approach is comparitively resistant to change much like trying to alter the course of a kayak that is tumbling over a waterfall.  In contrast, the Agile approach is like placing the kayak in a pond and deciding where you want to pull up on the other side.  It is much more accommodating to change because you can make small adjustments as you get closer to shore.
2) Another label for this is "Fish Pond Analysis". This represents a process that seeks to discover trends of independent variables for the system under test. For example, a trend analysis can be conducted on a website to determine site and page response times in relation to the number of users visiting the site and/or accessing pages.  These trends can be formulated into equations and graphed in order to better understand and make informed decisions about their behavior. 

The term "Mirror Approach" represents several things:
1) It can refer to a test environment that "mirrors" a client's production environment.
2) It can also refer to Mirror Adaptive Random Testing which improves the fault-detection effectivness of random testing for certain types of failure-causing patterns. Because the Mirror Approach requires fewer computations to ensure an even spread of test cases, it is more cost-effective than other conventional practices.

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