Testing with no documentation

What will be your approach for testing an application when not much documentation is followed as well as time is less for testing

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  • Oct 14th, 2011

Good that you asked!
I have had experience with testing application in my previous company where we, QA team were always crunched of time and had very little or next to zero documentation because no one had the time to create it. Besides, we were "Agile" so people found an excuse not to create documentation siting the reason: requirements evolve as we make progress in the project.

Before you start testing, talk to a developer/PM/BA/ tech lead to get a quick demo or background of the application. Exploratory testing (poking around in the application) and whatever little documentation - old requirements document/dev design doc/test plan/user guide - will certainly help you with your efforts.

If you happen to have domain knowledge of the application you are tasked to test, that will be of greatly aid you in thoroughly testing the application.

Any web application will certainly have some commonly used features - to name a few form submission, breadcrumbs, friendly tab titles, user authorization. So start testing these "most common features." As a QA/tester you must have tested a bunch of application so you will know what to expect from certain type of web applications - eCommerce (we all do online shopping these days), search, casual browsing (Yahoo, MSN et all), insurance, banking (we all do online banking), etc. Since there is less time allocated to testing, you need to constantly talk to developers or holding daily triage meetings with BA, dev and PM to triage the bugs (abnormal behavior you noticed along the way). This way you get to know what is expected and what isn't.

When you are asked to sign off when deadline approaches, you will add a disclaimer listing the features/modules you have tested thoroughly and anything that fall outside the list is not on your plate so you cannot vouch for that. I'm sure if the companies do not want to be sued they would see to it that major functionality works per client's expectation.

If were to answer this question in an interview you could summarize from above: Demo/background picture of app from dev/BA and conducting exploratory testing (if you use the correct jargon, you will come across as a serious candidate and will also speaks for communication skills :)) Since we live in internet age, all of us have experience with using online application which will definitely of your help. If you have previous QA/testing experience, you could have gathered domain knowledge and that will be handy for testing applications.

Hope this helps.

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devi puri

  • Jan 5th, 2017

What your opinion about this situation is exacerbated by the increasing popularity of Agile methodologies?

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Sachin Sbarma

  • Nov 20th, 2017

Testing with no documentation is called "AD-HOC" Testing and it is used to testing the application or software without any documentation and test cases.

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