Consolidation in GL

What are the pre requisites you have to before going to run the consolidation in GL?

Questions by arameshofc   answers by arameshofc

Showing Answers 1 - 6 of 6 Answers

Consolidation ogl allows you to consolidate between different chart of accounts . we can define map transfer and combine consolidation data.

1. create primary/reporting sob
2. Create subsidary/parent
3. define mapping & mappingset the period in reporting SOB
5.Run the data transfer
6.Query the data from reporting SOB Responsbility

Consolidation is a process of MERGING SET OF BOOKS(SOB).
Consolidation can be done in two(2) ways----
1. Segment Rules
2. Account Rules

1.Segment Rules----- Segment Rules are used when the Chart of Accounts of subsidiary and parent set of books are same.
2.Account Rules------Account Rules are used when the Char of Accounts are different in subsidiary and parent set of books.


1. Prepare Parent and Subsidiary Set of Books.
2. Run Translation Process in the Subsidiary Set of Books, when the currency is different from Parent Set of Books.
3. Define Consolidation mapping.
4. Run Consolidation Transfer Program.
5. Switch to Parent Set of Books Responsibility and run JOURNAL IMPORT PROGRAM.


  • Jul 5th, 2010

Consolidation means merging the financial data of all subsidary ledgers in one parent ledger (ledger is a replacement for sob in R12 with some additional features). Here is the process for consolidation.

1. Create subsidary ledgers for all the countries where we operate our business in all currencies.
2. Create parent ledger with reporting currency of the organization.
3. Translate all ledger balances to reporting currency.
4. Transfer all the balaces from subsidary ledgers to parent ledger with the help of mapping rules.

Mapping rules are segment rules and accounting rules.
Accounting rules take preference over segment rules.

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