Acceptance test cases

Your customer does not have experience in writing Acceptance Test cases. How will you do that in coordination with customer? What will be tested as part of Acceptance Test ?

Questions by absss

Showing Answers 1 - 10 of 10 Answers


  • Dec 30th, 2007

First Prioritize existing functional test cases into three categories - P1, P2 & P3 where P1 being High, P2 being Medium & P3 being low.

How to identify?

Test cases that are drafted to cover the major functionality (that may cover some parts of UI too) as per requirements should be P1 (These should be generally Positive cases; to be precise validation test cases) (Test cases like clicking a button should return a value which is result of a calculated field)

Test cases that are drafted to cover less important scenarios like negative cases should be P2 (Test cases like searching with invalid combinations & combination of negative verification & validation cases)

Anything that refers to formatting, UI design should be P3 (Test cases like sorting with various combinations could be one example & most of the verification cases) .

During acceptance execute those cases that are marked as P1. If time permits execute P2 too. [I would prefer only P1 if enough cycles are executed during system testing]

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If the Customer Dont have enough knowledge in writing Test cases means he should work with the testers and have to write test cases. The Tester should explain how to write Test Case and explain about the Expected outcome & Actual Outcome &Test Result.

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  • May 29th, 2009

We should also use traceability matrix as an important tool here.

In traceability matrix, customer can get his view on requirements, on the corresponding test cases, tester can take the high priority test cases (which tests the core functionality) and then ask customer to choose the correct test cases and tester can help the customer to choose one.

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First have the concept of Acceptance Testing : It is nothing but it is done at the time of release of the project so for that writing the test case known to customers is a wrong thing we should sit with the customers and we should undergo all the things

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Acceptance Test Case

Normally end user do not have any idea writing test cases and
it is not the duty for him. That is why we (testers) are here.
But in acceptance testing user just checks the functionality of
the system whether the system had created as per his
requirements just giving sample i/p and o/p.

If the customer knows about writing test cases means it will
come under vendor validation testing.  It is conducted
within the organization combined by developer, tester and the
product vendor.

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