Elevator Test cases

What are the different scenarios that should be considered while writing test cases for an elevator(Lift).

Questions by cnune

Showing Answers 1 - 19 of 19 Answers


  • Dec 19th, 2007

Some of the use cases would be:
1) Elevator is capable of moving up and down.
2) It is stopping at each floor.
3) It moves exactly to that floor when corresponding floor no is pressed.
4) It moves up when called from upward and down when called from downward.
5) It waits until 'close' button is pressed.
6) If anyon steps inbetween the door at the time of closing, door should open.
7) No break points exists
8) More usecases for the load that the elevator can carry (if required)


  • May 29th, 2009

Also, important to test is

- When two people are accesing lift from two different floors, the lift should go to the nearest floor in its way (for e.g if the lift is in 5th floor, moving towards 8th floor and if two persons one from 7th floor and one from 2nd floor presses button, then lift should go 7th floor first and then only to 2nd floor)

-In the above said scenario a descent algorithm would be present on where the elevator should go taking the following parameters
a. where the lift stands (nearest floor)
b.which direction the lift goes (upwards or downwards)
c.which direction the user wants to go (upwards and downwards)

So the permutations of b and c will give you more test cases.

Test Cases for lift
1. Check when you press from the outside of the lift it should be opened when it
is in ground floor
2. Verify it should give a beep when it reaches opens you
3. Check it should display in the outer box that from which floor it comes to
reach us
4. Check when you step in to the lift after 10 seconds when it knows nothing in
the door it to be closed automatically
5. Check when you give or press the number to which upto the floor it be
6. Check when you press different no`s it should be highlighted
7. Check upto the capacity of the lift only the load is given
8. Verify when you are going upwards on the first floor it any one pressed the
lift it should stop there
9. Verify on reaching the correct floor it should be automatically stopped and
10. Verify when the lift is empty when any one touches it should reach very

Here are a few elevator tests. This is not an exhaustive list.


Outside Elevator
1) You can call elevator from every floor
2) Elevator alerts arrival with an audible sound
3) When elevator arrives it is clear which direction the elevator is going
4) The direction indicators extinquish when its last occupants are delivered to a floor.
5) The elevator doors open within a reasonable amount of time after arrival
6) The elevator doors remain open within a reasonable amount of time
7) Elevator doors reopen when blocked during closure

Inside Elevator
1) Pressing all buttons from bottom floor causes elevator to stop at each ascending floor in succession.
2) Pressing all buttons from top floor causes elevator to stop at each descending floor in succession.
3) Pressing only top floor button from bottom floor causes elevator to deliver you to the top floor without stopping.
4) Pressing only bottom floor button from top floor causes elevator to deliver you to the bottom floor without stopping.
5) Elevator stops at next floor in succession no matter when it was pressed.
5) Elevator travels in the same direction until all illuminated buttons have extinguished in that direction.
6) Elevator changes direction when there are no more illuminated buttons in that direction.
7) Elevator remains at the last delivered floor until called upon.
8) Pressed buttons are clearly illuminated until floors are reached.
9) When destination floors are reached their illuminated buttons turn off.
10) Floor numbers are accurate and clearly visible upon reaching their corresponding floors.


1) The amount of time (speed) elevator travels between floors meets specification.
2) The amount of time elevator waits between opening and closing doors meets specification.


1) STOP button causes elevator to stop.
2) Pressing ALARM button reaches security within specified amount of time.
3) Verify elevator's maximum weight capacity meets or exceeds specification. 
4) Verify integrity of pulley system
5) Verify integriy of the braking system



  • Nov 22nd, 2011

I saw test cases for both elevator and lift as two different questions. Infact both mean the same, a mechanical device that transports people/things between building floors. In American English, this device is called "elevator" while in British English it is called "lift."

Few more test cases for elevator (AKA lift):

- Emergency button to open elevator doors from outside when the elevator is moving or stopped.
- Some elevators have high security and operate only when authorized with card/key. Test if elevator can move upwards without the card authorization. Also, test if elevator moves upwards/downwards with card authorization.
- Some elevators may or may not require security authorization to reach just the ground floor, but not parking floors or the in-between floors. Test this scenario as well.

Inside Elevator:
- Elevator must not open doors while moving when "open doors" button is pushed.
- Nothing should happen when "close doors" button is pushed while elevator is moving
- Test elevator capacity requirement. Say elevator capacity is 2000KG. Test conditions - 1999, 2000 & 2001.

Load test:
- At which load does the elevator break? Test this between floors.
- At which load does elevator refuses to move?

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Glenn Consulta

  • Jul 19th, 2013

This is great!

Although, I have a say on the gravity of some steps in terms of details.

For example, "when you press all buttons from the bottom part, it causes the elevator to stop at each ascending floor in succession". I think it would be more clever to add, "and the door will open,close and travel upward/downward, etc."

Nevertheless, Its amazing!

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hasan masi

  • Aug 19th, 2014

if the user stand on ground floor and lift is stand on higher level then what happen

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  • Nov 13th, 2014

The question is "What are the different scenarios that should be considered while writing test cases for an elevator (Lift)". While people have put some very good scenarios and not intending to cause offence they have given these answers and not considered the context of their answer. What if after this people were to discover that lift was a goods lift? What if the lift was to be on the side of a mountain and servicing a small community? What if the lift was in a car show room and it was to move the cars between floors?
So my answer is as follows.
- Is there only one lift or multiple lifts?
- What type of lift is it that needs testing E.G Passenger lift, Goods lift, express elevator for use of VIPs only, Ski lift or some fancy type of lift I am unaware of?
- What type of passengers/goods would be servicing?
- Where is the lift going to be installed? E.g. A resort, in a Store/mall or a private residence?
- How many floors is the lift intended to service?
- How big is the lift?
- What country is the lift intended to be installed in?
- Is there any Health and Safety or Regulatory requirements we need to take into account for that country?
- Does the lift have to deal with any extreme weather?
- Is the lift shaft sealed? If so how do we deal with air pressure as the lift moves about?
- Is the lift only intended to go up and down?
Due to the nature of the question people who are answering the question HAVE to make assumptions about the lift and these are based on their experience of lifts (models). Always be aware of your own assumptions causing unintentional blindness as testers we needs to keep this in mind more I think.

Nikunj Shah

  • Apr 15th, 2016

One More Cases Which is
Test While Lift Suddenly Loss Power and Members Inside Elevator If Press Call Button/Alarm Its Working If Power Cutoff Or Something Else Issue

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