Web Services Testing

Can anyone explain me about web services testing?

Questions by lakme   answers by lakme

Showing Answers 1 - 8 of 8 Answers


  • Jan 29th, 2009

Functional Web Service testing can be used for a variety of purposes:
- Unit testing : validate that each Web Service operation functions as stated

- Compliance testing : validate that the Web Service returns results compliant with its definition

- Process testing : validate that a sequence of web service invocations fulfill a required business process

- Data Driven testing : validate that any of the above works as required with data input from external sources (for example a database or another web service). WEb Service

The Web services can be tested using the SOAPUI a freeware s/w. Please refer to the

Sai Vinay K

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A Web service is a software system designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network.

How to test:

I've tested a web service called 'Soap server' in my project and it is worked as below.

-> first of request will send to service in XML format
-> Server is also respong to client in terms of XML





   <ERROR_LOCATION><![CDATA[Authentication Error]]></ERROR_LOCATION>
   <ERROR_MESSAGE><![CDATA[Authentication Failed. Unable to find the specified GUID in the SmartChange system. If the problem persists, please contact the SmartChange administrator.]]></ERROR_MESSAGE>

So we can test a web service for negative scenarios and it's throwing the validation messages for invalid request...


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To test the services, you create a client application and test all the available methods in the services by adding the service reference or adding a proxy in your references.  You will be testing all the accessible methods in the service by providing all possible input values and see if it provides a valid output.  

For eg. if the method is int a=sum(x,y).  You will be providing different inputs like positive, negative, 0 values for x and y and verify  if the output is still as expected.

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