What are advantages and disadvantages of CMP and BMP

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  • Jun 2nd, 2005

1)Easy to develop and maintain. 
2)Relationships can be maintained between different entities. 
3)Optimization of SQL code will be done. 
4)Larger and more performance applications can be done. 
1)Will not support for some nonJDBC data sources,i.e,CICS. 
2)Complex queries cannot be developed with EJBQL. 
1)Support for nonJDBC data sources. 
2)Complex queries can be build. 
1)Hard to develop and maintain. 
2)We cannot maintain the relationships between different entities. 
3)Optimization of SQL code cannot be done by the container,because bean it self contains the code. 
4)Not appropriate for larger and complex applications. 

CMP means container takes care fo all the database access code synchronization, including adding and deleting entities(records/rows in the database)BMP means you write the database access code(the JDBC statements) , for when the container tells you its time to go to the database.

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