What is Shallow cloning in Java ?

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  • Feb 14th, 2008

Shallow cloning is a way to create a replica of object where object copy is created but the objects that are contained in that object are not copied.


  • Jun 13th, 2008

When we need a copy of the object we go for cloning.
When an object is shallow coned the parent object or top level object and its members are duplicated, where as the low level objects are not duplicated but their references are alone copied.

When we need a copy of the object we go for cloning. When an object is shallow coned the parent object or top level object and its members are duplicated, where as the low level objects are not duplicated but their references are alone copied.

For complete cloning go for deep cloning
Deepcloing is done in two ways 1,serilization and 2,cloning all related objects.

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  • Feb 11th, 2009

By default, cloning yields a shallow copy. By shallow, we mean the object is copied, but the contained objects are not. What a deep copy does it copy the cloned object, as well as all the objects within.

For instance, if you have an array of five elements, you have a total of six objects in memory, the array and the five elements. If you make a shallow copy, you have a total of seven objects in memory: the original array, the copied array, and the set of five elemenets that both arrays contain. For a deep copy, there would be a total of twelve elements since the five elements inside the array will be copied, too. Of course, if each of those elements contained even more objects, then the resulting set of objects would grow even larger.

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