Explain the difference between .qfi and .vbs file in QTP?

Questions by binitp   answers by binitp

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QTP can use 3 different types of function library extensions: .qfl (not .qfi), .vbs and .txt

.qfl is local to QTP and can only be called and used by QTP. .vbs and .txt on the other hand can be used by QTP and by any application other than QTP. So, what I am trying to say is that, you can open notepad and write a function and associate it with your test as a .txt file. Either way, all three can be used as QTP function libraries which contain a function that you can use in your test. Another way to use functions is to directly type them in your respective action.

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Thanks for ur input !
what I am trying to know is - what is the purpose that they have introduced this new library file as QFL as there should be some advantage in using this over .vbs file.

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Mansoor Shaikh

  • Nov 26th, 2007

There is a difference between the .qfl and .vbs file. The difference is you can put a breakpoint in .qfl and debug your function written in the .qfl file. But, you cannot do this in a .vbs file. Because of this reason, I prefer writing function libraries in .qfl rather than in .vbs.



  • Dec 17th, 2007


Another difference is that

You no need to associated VBS file to the test. You can simply call it using ExecuteFile Statment. And any file that is called using ExecuteFile statement can not be debug.

But Liberary file created in QuickTest liberary file editor itself must be associated with the test from you are going to call its public function.




  • Apr 13th, 2018

Sorry but Iam using HP-UFT 12.23, and able to put break points in .vbs as well

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