Dashboard in the business intelligence

I would like to know the exact definition of the term Dashboard. As of late there has been a great deal of confusion on the overuse of this term in my workspace. I was under the impression that this term referred to analytical graphs that were designed to mimic speedometer displays like a dashboard in a car. Lately, it seems that people are using this term to apply to any form of analytic graph and in one case I have even seen this term used for a power point presentation that contained no graphs on the importance of Safety. Can anyone provide me with a sound and idiot proof answer to what exactly defines a Dashboard in the business intelligence or business analysis framework?

Questions by rchrdrea   answers by rchrdrea

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers

I agree with you that it's like a car dashboard you can visualize every thing. but it works diffrent here. In detail we monitor our enterprise business process goals. In technical way KPI and then we can see out actual values vs planned values. That really helps improve the process or profiatability. You can also have "what if analysis" to be prepare for the future.

Analytics are just the way we present the data to see where we stand .

that's what we call dashboard. manage and monitor business process.

i hope that will help! keep it simple

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  • Jan 10th, 2008

Dashboard is a user interface that organizes and presents information in a way that is easy to read. In regards to Business intelligence dashboard is a reporting tool that consolidates aggregates and arranges measurements, metrics (measurements compared to a goal) and sometimes scorecards on a single screen so information can be monitored at a glance. Cheers,

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