Why we can't create an aggregate on an ODS Object?

Questions by VenkateshVandanapu   answers by VenkateshVandanapu

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  • Mar 16th, 2006

1. Operational Data Store has very low data latency. Data moved to ODS mostly on event based rather than time based ETL to Data Warehouse/Data Mart.

2. ODS is more closer to OLTP system. We don't normally prefer to store aggregated data in OLTP. So it is with ODS.

3. Unlike data warehouse where data is HISTORICAL, ODS is near real time(NRT). So data aggregation is less important is ODS as data keeps changing.


  • Jun 2nd, 2006

The purpose of warehousing concept is to load required business data(requirements depends on endusers)in a database.Before loading data, developers has to process data which was extracted from a source systems(oltp's, file systems).ODS (operational data store) is a type of source system from which developers extract data and perfrom operations like filtering,joining ,aggregating and so on......So....ODS is a source system..and it's not possible to perform any logic on it's content as it will be in volatile in nature.So aggregation will be possible after extracting data from ODS.

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  • May 2nd, 2007


This is a common question, asked anywhere.

While loading into the Datawarehouse we gather data(source) from different source systems and place it in a STAGING area - which is literally called as ODS (operational Data Store) and from there, using an ETL tool, and depends upon the business logic we load the datawarehouse, which has historical data.

Aggregate table is like a FACT table in a star schema and it requires a proper Modelling of data, that we cant find in the ODS part.


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