Explain the difference between data driven testing and parameterization

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  • Nov 13th, 2007

Data driven testing is a concept, or methodology.
It demands for the same static code to run differently, according to the initial conditions that were inputed to it, or the ongoing conditions that were present during run-time.

An example would be a "Save" action, which can dynamically understand the "X field is mandatory" error message, and fill that missing field, without having to spell out all the fields with-in the actual code. The action code is "data-driven", as it can act differently (i.e. input a different specific field), according to the data provided either at the start, or during run-time.

Parameterizetion is one way for achieving data driven capabilities. While Parameterizetion deals with translating the initial conditions into variables the code can dynamically refer to, a good data-driven test still has to implement the correct logic that decides just what to do according to the different conditions, as well as a mechnism that deals with the changing run-time conditions.

Hope this helps.

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