What is the difference between blocking and waiting state of process ?

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  • Nov 25th, 2007

I think blocking state of a process is that state when it reaches to that state cannot be regained, but in case of wating state it can go in blocked state or go in running state again. Overall blocked state will be starvation state of a process.

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A "waiting" process has been loaded into main memory and is waiting execution on a CPU.
When a process is "blocked" on a resource (such as a file, a semaphore or a device), it will be removed from the CPU (as a blocked process cannot continue execution) and will be in the blocked state.

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  • Jan 28th, 2008

A blocking state is the state in which the process is waiting for some operation to get completed.It can be an I/O operaion,or some Inter-Process-communication. The process can not execute furthur without these signals.
A waiting state is the state in which the process is ready to run but the processor is not idle.
When the operation on the blocked process complete, it will move in to the waiting state.

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  • Feb 16th, 2008

A process is said to be in waiting state when it is queuing in the main memory for its turn to be executed. Whereas, the process enters a blocked state in case of any interrupt or due to unavailability of resources. If it is no more in execution for a long time , it is swapped out of main memory and called back when the requested resource is available. 
Important point: A process cannot enter running state from blocked state. The process first has to go to the waiting state and then to running state. 
I hope that answers the question.

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