How to write weekly status report

Questions by shivak141   answers by shivak141

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Weekly  Status report is sent to the Client on the work accomplished for the current week and the work that are going to be accomplished in the forth coming week.

In general the Weekly status report will contains:
1. Project Manager Name
2. Reporting Person Name
3. Report for the week ending period
4. The list of question that causes the showstoppers like there any scheduled milestones in jeopardy of being missed, any resource concerns impacting critical path etc.,
5. The activities accomplished in the reporting period
6. Milestone description, like the flow of the build under deployment such as the fields having the build name, start date, end date, progress and the issues if any with the build
7. Planned accomplishments for the next reporting period
8. Any pending issues
9. Status of the risk like any new risk encountered, status of the already raised risks, impact of the risk on the project, mitigation plan for the risk


  • Oct 9th, 2008

Follow the below template:
Prepared By:
Date of preparation:
A) Issues:
Issues holding the QA team from delivering on schedule:
Issue description:
Possible solution:
Issue resolution date:

You can mark these issues in red colour. These are the issues that requires managements help in resolving them.

Issues that management should be aware:

These are the issues that not hold the QA team from delivering on time but management should be aware of them. Mark these issues in Yellow colour. You can use above same template to report them.

Project accomplishments:
Mark them in Green colour. Use below template.
Accomplishment date:

B) Next week Priorities:
Actionable items next week list them in two categories:

1) Pending deliverables: Mark them in blue colour: These are previous weeks deliverables which should get released as soon as possible in this week.
Work update:
Scheduled date:
Reason for extending:

2) New tasks:
List all next weeks new task here. You can use black colour for this.
Scheduled Task:
Date of release:

C) Defect status:

Active defects:
List all active defects here with Reporter, Module, Severity, priority, assigned to.

Closed Defects:
List all closed defects with Reporter, Module, Severity, priority, assigned to.

Test cases:
List total number of test cases wrote, test cases passed, test cases failed, test cases to be executed.

This template should give you the overall idea of the status report. Don’t ignore the status report. Even if your managers are not forcing you to write these reports they are most important for your work assessment in future.

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