A Business Objects Universe consists of classes, within each class are objects, name and describe the three types of objects.

Questions by jiggley67

Showing Answers 1 - 7 of 7 Answers


  • Oct 23rd, 2007

There are three types of objects
Dimension object : these are the objects which describes the properties of the Class. eg: Name, Month , Emp Id.

Mearsure Objects: measurable objects like amount, profit etc.

Detail Objects: detail associated with  Certain Dimension. eg: phone no , address etc. the detail object can be associated only with dimension object.

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  • Apr 19th, 2009

Dimension object describes the parameters [focus] for analysis. Ex: Emp Name, City ID etc.

Detail object provides the description of a dimension object, but is not the focus for analysis. Ex: Address, Phone No. etc. Each detail object is dependent on dimension object.

Measure Object provides the numeric info to quantify a dimension object. It gives the summarized data of dimension object using aggregate functions. Ex: Sales Revenue.

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OBJECT: An object is a named component that map to data in the database.

DETAIL: Provides descriptive data about dimention. A detail is always attached to a dimention.
MEASURE: contains aggregate functions that map to statistics in the database.

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There are three types of an objects:

1:-Dimension Object: An object being tracked in multidimensional analysis; the subject of the analysis. Dimensions are organized into hierarchies.

2: Detail Object: An object qualified as a detail provides descriptive data about a dimension object. A detail object cannot be used in drill down analysis.

3: Measure Object:An object that is derived from an aggregate function. It conveys numeric information by which a dimension object can be measured.

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