How do you get software test build for third party testing company

For personal access only by client and the testing company) web browser

Questions by nagratnam

Showing Answers 1 - 10 of 10 Answers


  • May 31st, 2008

We are giving final output example as .rpms to client.  before giving to thirdpary we are installig and checking the kit ( nothing but smoke and sanity test ).

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Pls find the steps given below for the above given question

1)after completion of the SIT(should not be any show stoppers),company will provide the CD's to the client(these CD's will have CM release)

then they will install these CD's at client location and will access the application

2)after successfull installation of the software,they will test the applicaton(this can be done by the clients or third party testing members at clients location)

3)while testing the application if they find any errors in the system,they will raise these as a tickets and inform to the respective members

4)once both sides will decide that this is an error,offshore/onsite developement team will work on that

5)after fixation of the particular ticket,IUT/DIT/SIT will be done at offshore/onsite team members and provide the necessary documents to the QA team

6)Once gets the final confirmation from the QA team,these CM release Build will upload through file cab

7)only some persons  will have access to the file cab,Authorized person will download the release from the file cab and deploy it in the existing source

8)Third party/Client will retest the same and confirm that the raised ticket is working or not

Ay clarifications,pls revert

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  • Jul 13th, 2008

All milestones, including creating a build for a third party have some features in common.

Coming up to the special build, a partial freeze, or slow down on developement work should occur.  There should be a shift toward bug fixes.

When the number of high priority bugs reaches a certain level, then the build in question is a "candidate" for the special build.  The level would depend on which milestone it is.  Obviously, the final sellable product would have a very high standard. 
Then, this candidate should have "everything thrown at it" .  Hopefully, all automated tests run on it, some installation testing, lots of extra testing in all of the areas, etc.

Burn CDs, then perform final sanity test.  A short set of tests on the actual stuff on the actual media you are going to give them.  Use a "Clean" System.  This is more important than you think.    If you are sure everything is on the disk, and it is all correct, that does not mean you should not try it once or twice.  There have been many famous and embarrassing situations that could have been avoided in this way. 


   Here we can ans for this question in 2 ways..

  ->  If the application is 2 tier :
Then we can give in terms of CDs/DVDs, so that can

     be installed in client place by dev/QA team .

  -> If the application is 3 tier:
Then every build can be uploaded directly to client's

       server, so that they can be invoked the application trough browser.

Let me correct if i wrong.



  • Jan 24th, 2013

We need to submit the build, manual which explains the installation process and usage of the application and the realease notes.

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