Why the shape of OP-AMP is triangular not other shape?

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  • Nov 2nd, 2007

because of the signal flow the OP-AMP has the triangular symbol

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  • Jul 9th, 2009

The Triangular shape symbolizes that it works for continous signals and hence forth it is an analog device.

ex: Opamp

If it is square then it is digital device.
ex: Multiplexer

If the shape is both triangular and square then it is mixed signal device.
ex: ADC, DAC

These is answer from my point of view: 

OP AMP is selected triangular in shape because it has two terminals as inverting and noninverting and having only one output common for both the terminal.if in case we also 
provide an feedback if nessesary. If it is selected as any other shape, it is not possible.

There can be many reason of triangular shape

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  • Sep 6th, 2012

op-amp symbol is triangular which is showing an arrow or direction of power transfer from input to the output.So op-amp transfers the power from the input terminal to the output terminal.

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zeba Akhtar

  • Oct 17th, 2012

bcoz OP-AMP has 2 input terminals,one inverting and one non inverting and only 1 output mode

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k.shiva charan

  • Nov 10th, 2014

Signal is flowing through triangular shape

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saurabh kumar

  • Nov 19th, 2014

op amp has differntial input and one single output. thats why its shape is triangular

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rucha thakur

  • Dec 18th, 2014

ALU + BUFFER =Op-Amp i.e. if we cut Op-Amp symbol vertically from middle, then we get symbols of two components. They are ALU & buffer.

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Vinayaka Eshwar Naik

  • Jan 14th, 2018

1) Indicates impedance is high at input and reduces towards output
2) Indicates direction of current flow

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