What is a Shortcut and What is the difference between a Shortcut and a Reusable Transformation?

Questions by pradeepkv

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A shortcut is a reference (link) to an object in a shared folder, these are commonly used for sources and targets that are to be shared between different environments / or projects. A shortcut is created by assigning 'Shared' status to a folder within the Repository Manager and then dragging objects from this folder into another open folder; this provides a single point of control / reference for the object - multiple projects don't all have import sources and targets into their local folders. A reusable transformaion is usually something that is kept local to a folder, examples would be the use of a reusable sequence generator for allocating warehouse Customer Id's which would be useful if you were loading customer details from multiple source systems and allocating unique ids to each new source-key. Many mappings could use the same sequence and the sessions would all draw from the same continuous pool of sequence numbers generated.

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  • Jul 20th, 2016

No because if given in a tabular form then it would easily understandable and readable

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