What are the benefits of preparing test cases?What are the benefits of test documentation?What is the process of defect reporting?

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  • Sep 26th, 2007

If we test the application with some inputs without any testcases and we get some defects that time you will send it to the developer there is some problem with this field or functionality. He fixes the bug and send it back for retesting, but you forget what you did that day bcoz you may not test one functionality or field for a day or month so in that case test case helps you. Even for regression testing also.

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  • Dec 5th, 2007

test cases are imp .Without test cases it is hard to make determine if we have  done sufficient testing or not, whether test cases are written for all the functional specification/requirements. Insufficient testing is one the common source of bugs in the software.
QA practices( test documentation) should be documented as they are repeatable and reusable.
process of defect reporting is as follows..when a bug is detected the bug should be communicated and assigned to the developer. For that one needs to log the bug in bug reporting tool and keep the track of the bug until closed.


  • Dec 7th, 2007

the main objective of test case

1.to excercise a particular path in the program
2.to check the compliance between the srs

3. with out test case it is difficult to justify that all possible tests have been done to check some functionality .

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1.while we are preparing the test cases we can know whether all the functionalities are covered properly
2.The purpose of test Documentation is to know whether all the records are prepared properly to ensure that it all meets with the iso procedure`s properly
3.Defect reporting is nothing but Bug report it is maintained inorder to know the real status of the application i.e where the bug has been occurred

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