Infrastructure Creation Company
We are expecting one project of Infrastructure Creation Company.
Their nature of business is to create infrastructure. Presently they are constructing a road for 49 Kms. They construct and maintain the road and users have to pay Toll for using the road. All the vehicle users will pass through the Toll Plazas. At each Toll Plaza they install one Toll System a kind of machine to record the vehicle details and charge the amount to the customer depending upon the time and class of vehicle. Different rates are charged at different times of the day (peak hours and non peak hours) and different rates are applicable for different vehicles (cars, Buses, Lorries etc).
Customers will be of two types Prepaid Customers and Pay When Use customers. Prepaid Customers would buy cards well in advance for some amount as we buy phone cards (Airtel recharge cards). As and when he swipes it into Toll system, it records the charge and customers account balance gets reduced. The Prepaid Customer is defined as a Customer in AR module and his account is debited by raising an invoice automatically by linking both the data bases through DB Link.
But we need to record the amounts collected from Anonymous customers also. That means he is not defined as a customer. But still that receipt amount is to be recorded and accounted for. When we issue a receipt to the customer for the amount he pays, the figure should show the VAT details also. Suppose the amount collected is Rs 500 , it includes 5% vat also. How it can be shown? and how it can be printed immediately? Because the amount to be charged is first recorded in the Toll System. The toll system will interface the information to AR and AR should add the VAT to it or bifurcate the amount into two parts Revenue and VAT and produce a receipt immediately. Is it possible? How this can be achieved?
Interview Candidate
- Sep 10th, 2007
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- 4311
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Infrastructure Creation Company
Their nature of business is to create infrastructure. Presently they are constructing a road for 49 Kms. They construct and maintain the road and users have to pay Toll for using the road. All the vehicle users will pass through the Toll Plazas. At each Toll Plaza they install one Toll System a kind of machine to record the vehicle details and charge the amount to the customer depending upon the time and class of vehicle. Different rates are charged at different times of the day (peak hours and non peak hours) and different rates are applicable for different vehicles (cars, Buses, Lorries etc).
Customers will be of two types Prepaid Customers and Pay When Use customers. Prepaid Customers would buy cards well in advance for some amount as we buy phone cards (Airtel recharge cards). As and when he swipes it into Toll system, it records the charge and customers account balance gets reduced. The Prepaid Customer is defined as a Customer in AR module and his account is debited by raising an invoice automatically by linking both the data bases through DB Link.
But we need to record the amounts collected from Anonymous customers also. That means he is not defined as a customer. But still that receipt amount is to be recorded and accounted for. When we issue a receipt to the customer for the amount he pays, the figure should show the VAT details also. Suppose the amount collected is Rs 500 , it includes 5% vat also. How it can be shown? and how it can be printed immediately? Because the amount to be charged is first recorded in the Toll System. The toll system will interface the information to AR and AR should add the VAT to it or bifurcate the amount into two parts Revenue and VAT and produce a receipt immediately. Is it possible? How this can be achieved?
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